Marici Sutra

The Marici Sutra as Spoken by the Buddha

Thus I have heard, at one time, the Buddha was in Shravasti at Jetavana Grove, together with twelve hundred fifty great bhikshus.

At that time, the Buddha told the bhikshus:
"There is a goddess named Marici, who comes before the sun.
Marici cannot be seen, caught, harmed, or bound by anyone.
Nobody can make her indebted to anyone,
Nobody can take advantage of Marici."

The Buddha told the bhikshus:
"If one knows the name of Marici,
One also cannot be seen, caught, harmed, or bound.
Nobody can make one indebted to anyone,
Nobody can take advantage of one."

The Buddha told the bhikshus:
"Any virtuous man or virtuous woman,
Who hears the name of Marici, should recite:
I, disciple _____, know the name of Marici,
Thus, nobody can see me, catch me, harm me, or bind me.
Nobody can make me indebted to anyone,
Nobody can take advantage of me."

At that moment, the Buddha recited this mantra:
dan-zhi-ta, an-jia-mo-si, mo-jia-mo-si,
zhi-po-lou-mo-si, mo-he-zhi-po-luo-mo-si,
an-duo-li-ta, namo, so-ha.

Project me while travelling,
Protect me when not travelling,
Protect me at daytime,
Protect me at nighttime,
Protect me in the enemy's house,
Protect me from political oppression,
Protect me from robbery,
Protect me from all misfortune everywhere at all times, disciple _____, so-ha.

The Buddha told the bhikshus:
"Any virtuous man, virtuous woman, bhikshu, bhikshuni, upasaka, upasika, king, minister, citizen, and so on, who hears the mantra of Marici and sincerely recites it, will not be harmed by any dangers aforesaid."

The Buddha told the bhikshus:
"If one can transcribe this sutra, recite it, uphold it,
Insert it into one's hair or clothes to carry it at all times, then
All disasters will disappear, and nothing will dare to obstruct one;
After the bhikshus heard the Buddha's teaching, they were filled with joy and upheld this teaching."